*Headdesk* I just signed up for spn_j2_bigbang!!!! WTF?*I haven't mentioned this on here, but I actually stopped doing art (other than my icons) because I lost the vision in my left eye this past fall and it really fucked with me. Every time I try to draw it doesn't look right, or it reminds me that I can't see... so it's a little depressing
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* Hooray!! So I have completed all three of my BigBangs! Well except for deancasbigbang because I haven't decided whether I'm going to drop out or not.
So here are the links for my art if you haven't seen it yet:
Yay it's time for posting!! Following is the art of Named by mclachlan written for spn_j2_bigbag. The story is fantastic and should be read by all. I loved it... lots and lots of laughs so please go and enjoy it!
*Okay my peoples, I really don't ask a lot but please go read And Grace Will Lead Me Home. I lost my big bang virginity for this thing (I did the art) and it's fantastic. The authors and I are all comment whores, so go read, view and enjoy!
Finally it's being posted!!! I got to do the art for the super duper flippin' awesome fic: And Grace Will Lead Me Home (on LiveJournal) or here (on Dreamwidth) For: au_bigbang Pure love for my Authors: epiphanyx7 and unavoidedcrisis A Supernatural AU Fanfiction, with angst, manpain, love and a goldfish!